iOS 8.1.1 Jailbreak demonstrated by iH8sn0w
Earlier this week Apple has released iOS 8.1.1 firmware update for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch supported devices. This iOS 8.1.1 update brings up the bug fixes, performance enhancements and the most important thing, that patches 3 of the Pangu jailbreak expolites that are used to jailbreak iOS 8 – 8.1 firmware.
However, we have some good news for jailbreakers, this time the popular jailbreak hacker iH8sn0w has posted a video on their YouTube channel demonstrated an untethered iOS 8.1.1 jailbreak running on an iPad 3. But this doesn’t mean that we are guranteed the public release of iOS 8.1.1 jailbreak.
Been working on this since last Friday with @XanderKitteh (really awesome dude). This uses some new research between the two of us (not bootrom related[aw ik], but not HFS either). Still only limited to working with 30pin devices due to no serial over lightning 
Jailbreak iOS 8.1.1 demonstration currently only works with the 30-pin connector, that is iPad 2, iPad 3 and iPhone 4S, and it won’t works with iPhone 5, iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPad 4, iPad mini, iPad mini 2, iPad mini 3, iPad Air, iPad Air 2 and iPod touch 5G.
Apple already seeded 8.2 betas to developers, it’s good to hear that latest version of iOS is jailbreakable but we recommend if you rely on jailbreak to not to update to iOS 8.1.1 firmware.
iOS 8.1.1 Jailbreak demonstrated by iH8sn0w